Foto: Ronny Ueckermann, Wir sind die Brandmauer in Dresden 2024-06-08,
zugeschnitten, farbbearbeitet, CC BY-SA 4.0

How do we unlearn racist thought patterns?
Experimental discussion with Gilda Sahebi

How do we unlearn racist thought patterns?
Experimental discussion with Gilda Sahebi

In her new book, “Wie wir uns Rassismus beibringen“ (How We Learn Racism), Gilda Sahebi argues: We all have racist thought patterns.

Alongside a lot of praise and good reviews, Gilda also experiences plenty of resistance for speaking out about racism – “you’re exaggerating,” “you’re too sensitive,” up to comments like “go back to where you came from.”

But Gilda is determined to overcome the taboo of calling statements and structures racist, as we must be able to recognize and name (our own) racism in order to eliminate it.

In our experimental discussion with Gilda, we want to think constructively and look ahead: What do we (individually and as a society) need to do to overcome our racist thought patterns, and what is holding us back from doing so?

We look forward to an inspiring and insightful evening with Gilda and you!

This event is hosted by Inspiring Minds by Karoline Rütter and The Discussion Experiment by Igor Don.


Here are answers to some questions you might have:

Akkordeon Inhalt

The discussion experiment is a method designed to discuss complex and controversial topics in groups in a way that creates more clarity, reduces misunderstandings and makes conversations more interesting, inspiring and fruitful.

This is achieved with a moderation technique that slows down and relaxes the discussion and supports all speakers in formulating their statements in a more clear and focused manner.

The aim of each discussion is to further improve the method based on the experiences we make (while having an interesting and engaging evening).

In this edition of the experiment, we will not only be discussing amongst ourselves, but also including a guest – author and journalist Gilda Sahebi – who will discuss the questions and theses that we formulate as a group with us.

No, experimental discussions are not about competing against each other or convincing people through rhetorical skill. Rather, they are about exploring various aspects of a topic together despite having different opinions.

Gilda Sahebi is a trained doctor and studied political science. She completed her journalistic traineeship at Bayerischer Rundfunk and works as a freelance journalist focusing on anti-Semitism and racism, women’s rights, the Middle East and science. She is an author for “taz” and “Spiegel” and works for ARD, among others. Her books ”Unser Schwert ist Liebe“ Die feministische Revolte im Iran” and “Wie wir uns Rassismus beibringen. Eine Analyse Deutscher Debatten” were published in 2023 and 2024 by S. Fischer

It’s perfectly fine to just listen. You can decide for yourself at any time how active you want to be and will not be asked to speak. Only at the beginning of the conversation there might be a quick round where all participants say their names.

The event starts at 7 pm and lasts about 2.5 hours, i.e. until about 9.30 pm. After the event, anyone who still has time and wants to can enjoy a drink to round off the evening.

Join us!

Participation is free and you don’t have to prepare anything, just bring curiosity and about 2.5 hours of time.

Please register for free using the button below!

When & where:

Tuesday Coworking
Ground Floor
Belziger Str. 69-71, 10823 Berlin

Doors open 18:30
Event: 19:00 – 21:30