The Discussion Experiment

For discussions that help us move forward

The Discussion Experiment is a series of events in which we test new methods to make discussions in groups more interesting, insightful and satisfying.

At each event, we discuss a real issue so that we can develop the method further while having an inspiring evening at the same time.

What is the discussion experiment?

The discussion experiment is a project with the aim of developing techniques for conversations that make it easier for participants to reach a common understanding of a topic despite differing opinions. It reduces misunderstandings, topic jumps and conflicts to make discussions more inspiring and fun.

To achieve this, different approaches are tried out in practice and continuously improved, always with a focus on finding simple and robust methods that participants find interesting and enriching.

Creating clarity instead of arguing

A key approach of the discussion experiment is to transform the process of debating into a process of joint reflection and clarification.

The participants express their positions according to clear rules and are assisted in identifying and naming the core of their own statement. A live visualisation of these core statements helps the group to gain orientation on the subject and to reference each others‘ positions.

Slowing down the conversation to move faster

In the discussion experiment, the conversation is significantly reduced in pace. All important arguments are documented and made immediately visible. As a result, differences of opinion can be captured without the need to discuss them immediately. This takes the pressure off the participants to have to refute „wrong“ statements immediately and leads to a more productive and less antagonistic exchange.

Creating new discussion dynamics through joint facilitation

The participants of the discussion experiment are enabled to take co-responsibility for the moderation of the discussion. This happens both through easily comprehensible rules and through various tools for co-directing the course of the discussion. This results in a change of perspective and greater motivation to contribute to the success of the discussion.

FAQ - frequently asked questions

Akkordeon Inhalt

The discussion experiment is a format for exchanging and forming opinions. At the end of the discussion, the participants should have a deeper understanding of the problem, their own opinion and the opinion of others. Ideally, the group will have a clearer understanding of where exactly there are differences of opinion and where participants agree more than they had thought.

Currently, the method is not designed as a decision-making format, however a decision-making process can easily be added.

The method is helpful whenever a group of people wants to come to a shared understanding of a complicated issue. These can be controversial political or moral issues, as well as pragmatic questions within an organisation.

At the events in the series – which serves as a testing ground for the format – , we discuss socially relevant questions such as: Is it immoral to bring children into the world today? Are we all too apolitical, or too politicised? Should „the West“ shut up about human rights?

The method is suitable for all group sizes. The systematic procedure can help to establish mutual understanding even in a conversation between 2 people. Very large groups can also use the method, as it allows for a quick change between an active and a listening role.

So far, groups of between 4 and 25 people have taken part in the events of the series.


The discussion experiment is currently a personal project of mine, Igor Don. I run it (besides having fun with it) out of the conviction that we can open up better ways of exchanging views on controversial and complicated issues – and that this can be a path to more justice, less polarisation and conflict. Because I also believe that new methods can only succeed if they are found satisfying by the participants, I develop my method based on experimentation, experience and feedback. You can find out more about my background and other projects on Linkedin.Hintergrund und andere Projekte könnt ihr auf Linkedin erfahren.

Take part in discussion events

Participate in a discussion experiment, experience an enriching discussion and help to develop the method at the same time!

Discussion in German: Was soll ich wählen?

Let’s discuss the most important questions about the upcoming election: Which arguments speak in favour of which party? What are the arguments in favour of voting strategically? And what considerations can we make when doing so?

In German | 13.02.2025
Berlin, Schöneberg

Are we collectively good or evil?

Can we create societies and institutions that don’t exploit or destroy? Join our three-session discussion to explore this crucial question.

In English
Saturday 01.03.2025
+ Sunday 09.03.2025
+ Saturday 15.03.2025
Berlin, Schöneberg

Wie blicken wir auf China – wie blickt China auf uns?

Welche Vorstellungen haben wir von China, und seiner Rolle in der Welt? Was übersehen wir möglicherweise und welche Sichtweisen sind in China verbreitet, wenn es um Deutschland und Europa geht?

Auf Deutsch | 04.12.2024
Berlin, Schöneberg

How do we unlearn racist thought patterns? Experimental discussion with Gilda Sahebi

How do we unlearn racist thought patterns?
Experimental discussion with Gilda Sahebi

In our experimental discussion, we will explore what we, individually and as a society, need to do to overcome racist thought patterns.

This event is a collaboration Inspiring Minds by Karoline Rütter.

In our experimental discussion, we will explore what we, individually and as a society, need to do to overcome racist thought patterns.

This event is a collaboration with the project Inspiring Minds by Karoline Rütter.

In English | 11.07.2024
Berlin, Schöneberg

Auf Englisch | 11.07.2024
Berlin, Schöneberg

Winter break – we’ll continue in January

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Book a 20-minute call for a non-binding consultation to explore all options.
